On May 9, 2019, I participated in a conversation with Nathaniel Deutsch about Anti-Semitism and the Internet. The event was held at the Computer History Museum, in the heart of Silicon Valley. We sought trace the history of antisemitic images through time, recognizing that memes circulated today draw from the long standing power of antisemitic images. More, we addressed the ways in which online technology provides everyone with the tools to create and recreate, curate, edit, and remix, share and reshare images that perpetuate hate. At the same time, those tools also provide everyone with the tools to reject hate, to join together and raise their voices in opposition to antisemitism.
The event was covered by Rachael Myrow of KQED. See the full story and how the internet both spreads and sustains education against antisemitism: Rachael Myrow, “No Lone Shooter: How Anti-Semitism Is Winning New Converts on the Internet,” KQED (May 13, 2019).